Lab Rats: Elite Force
"Lab Rats: Elite Force" is set in a bustling metropolis after the Mighty Med hospital is destroyed by a band of unknown super-villains. After Adam and Leo volunteer to oversee the students at Davenport's Bionic Academy, Kaz, Oliver and Skylar join forces with Chase and Bree to form a powerful elite force that combines bionic heroes and superheroes. Together, they vow to track down the villains and keep the world safe.
Genres: Adventure , Sci-Fi , Family , Comedy , Mystery , Sci-Fi & Fantasy , Action & Adventure , Kids
Actors: Kelli Berglund , Paris Berelc , William Brent , Bradley Steven Perry , Jake Short , Hal Sparks
Director: Bryan Moore , Chris Peterson
Country: USA
Duration: 22 min
Quality: HD
Release: 2016
IMDb: 5.1