Da Vinci's Demons
The series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.
Genres: Drama , Adventure , Fantasy , Mystery , Romance , Biography , History
Actors: Tom Riley , Eros Vlahos , David Schofield , Ian Pirie , James Faulkner , Gregg Chillin , Hera Hilmar , Elliot Cowan , Lara Pulver , Laura Haddock , Blake Ritson , Akin Gazi
Director: David S. Goyer
Country: USA
Duration: 60 min
Quality: HD
Release: 2013
IMDb: 7.4